Plant Genomics and Developmental Biology Consultant & Expert




Bohm-and-Inner-Ordered-Mutation-A-Perspective- on-Discontinuity-and-Continuity



   All of reality can be ordered levels of reality, and there can be an infinite number of such levels. These are in a dynamic plenum, flowing from and through each other, and generating an explicate order, which is the reality currently addressed by science. And this would include quantum mechanics.  This view of existence was developed by the theoretical physicist, David Bohm (e.g., Bohm, 1980). In 1967, he took part in a symposium, organized by the developmental biologist, C. H. Waddington, in which, Bohm presented, in part, this theoretical view, based on his own investigations into quantum mechanics. In those investigations, Bohm strove to demonstrate an underlying level of order to quantum phenomena, manifesting as an underlying and hidden determinism or deterministic potential of implicate orders, which unfold into an explicate order. Quantum mechanics, manifests randomness and discontinuity because it is especially incomplete at this micro level of the explicate order.  Statistics is applied in order to provide a less incomplete view of quantum behavior. In doing so, it does not address or overlooks specificity. Grasping such  complementing specificity would enable a less incomplete view in research. Continuity exists throughout the ordered implicate levels. Such levels are themselves ordered in hierarchies.

 In this symposium, Bohm addressed biological issues in the context of a reality of orders, which are enabled by a unifying, implicit continuity. He postulated that mutation in organisms and within evolution are not random, but they follow an inner ordering as reflected and enfolded dynamically through the orders of reality. Such an inner ordering of mutation would be a necessary component of evolution, he proposed. As Bohm states in this regard:

 One observation that could be relevant would be to trace a series of successive mutations to see if the order of changes is completely random....There may be a tendency to establish a series of similar changes [mutations] or differences that would constitute an internally ordered process of evolution... in which mutations [in a transitional species] tend to be fairly  rapid and strongly directed in some order... If such deviation from randomness could be found, this could have very far-reaching consequences. For it would imply that when a given type of change [or mutation] has taken place, there is is an appreciable tendency in later generations for  a series of similar changes to take place. Thus, evolution would tend to get 'committed' to certain general lines of development. Of course, survival in the total natural environment would ultimately decide  which lines could be sustained. Nevertheless, an entirely different principle of internal order would determine both the nature of these 'lines' and how they would tend  to vary and transform into other 'lines' (Bohm, 1969).

In 1967, it was postulated by the author that evolution has occurred through the controlled, directed mutation of genes. This control was due  to genetic mutators, which enhanced  the degrees of mutagenesis and regulated the timing of such, giving such mutagenesis developmental features and providing evolution with an inner, non-random parameter (Lieber, 1967).  Subsequent, published research by the author gave repeated support to  the view that mutation has developmental features, such as spatial-temporal control at various genomic levels of organization. And thereby, such inner, developmental control at different levels would have provided evolution with an inner-order of non-randomness (Lieber, 1972,  1975, 1976, 1989, 1996, 1998b, 1998c, 2000, 2001 2011, 2016, and 2019.) This gives a strong credibility, from the stand point of the biological scale or order of reality, to Bohm's theoretical position.

Temporal control or temporality appears to be a significant feature of biological phenomena at various scales, as C.H. Waddington pointed out in reviewing the commonalities of the articles presented in the 1967 symposium. This suggested a way to present or unify a theoretical biology (Waddington, 1969). Such temporality is clearly evident in the genetic control of mutation, which generates a ordered, programmed mutagenesis. As pointed out by the author, the genetic control of mutation in response, adaptively, to environmental stresses may provide a unifying insight into all biological processes, suggesting a unifying principle of ultimate order and coherence in the universe (Lieber, 1998a, 1998b, and 2016). Temporality, its unfolding, would be a feature of such order. This would be a view similar to that of Bohm's.  A unified, theoretical biology, circumventing a total statistical approach, could arise from such views, which may provide  further insights into physics. A sole statistical approach would be limiting.

 Even so, statistics has played a significant role in biological investigations, especially with regard to studies of mutation. A statistical methodology was brought to bear on the study of  inner-controlled mutation at the karyotypic level in a colonial fungus (Lieber, 1972, 1976). In the colonial, green fungus, Aspergillus nidulans of a particularly constructed strain, programmed mutator phenomena in many  green colonies were made evident in the groups of colonies. These colonies had two karyotypic mutators that interacted with one another in such a manner  as to produce temporally, controlled mutations, manifested phenotypically as yellow sectors. (For a picture of one such colony, see Figure 7 on the first page of this website.) These colonies were studied using statistical methodologies. Many of the colonies exhibited  controlled mutation frequencies very similar to one another. Yet, some  other colonies in the same experimental group had reduced mutation frequencies, and those mutations were not so ordered. However, such statistics did not reveal certain information as to what caused some colonies to exhibit a difference in mutation frequency and pattern from that of the high mutation producers. A few of these differences were major. In other words, the statistical methodologies did not reveal the  cause  or dynamic for variations in the degrees of such mutator phenomena between colonies composing each sub-group. The statistics revealed only information for any group of colonies as a whole regarding the most likely global effects of the mutators. Of course, likely explanations were postulated, many pertaining to the known genetic instability of one of the mutators itself.  However, the statistics did not inform one of the pattern of such instability, nor its temporal occurrence.

 In subsequent studies, colonial mutator strains derived indirectly from cultures stored for a significant period in cool temperatures displayed lower, less programmed mutation frequencies when such were grown at culture-growing temperatures. Some, in that group produced  relatively higher frequencies of mutations or mutant sectors than other colonies in that group. (See an example of one such colony at the end of this article.) Again, statistics did not provide insights for such differences in mutation frequencies. Also, though of the same strain, the colony pictured below (Figure A) differed from the colony in Figure 7 in mutation frequency and in the pattern of such mutations, as noted by observing the mutant yellow sectors produced by the respective colonies.

Why would this be the situation? The statistics applied to this specific situation did not provide insights. Yet, non-statistical based postulates were made. These pertained to age of cultures and the possible influence of high temperature. These postulates were supported through a change and broadening of experimental protocols. Only through young cultures (colonies) of fungi, derived from newly generated spores, grown at high temperatures, were very high, programmed mutations generated again in a highly programmed manner within such colonies. There was very little variation in frequencies from colony to colony. This  inner regulation of mutation could be  inferred first from just observing the number of yellow sectors produced by each green colony, then from other statistical data pertaining to earlier conditions, and finally, from conducting significance tests involving experimental and control groups of colonies. From such experiments, the high temperature, or high infrared radiation, acted, it was concluded, as a non-local agent in the promotion of a high degree of programmed mutation within the experimental colonies.

 It was an intuitive, inclusive hypothesis and not a statistical procedure that led to a change in experimental protocols. Such a change in experimental protocols thus made evident a new cause pertaining to or influencing inner, genetic control. However, the original statistical method did not address or explain the significant decrease in mutation frequency. Thus, it  could not have  led to a constructive hypothesis. The new hypothesis involved  an epigenetic explanation that  circumvented statistics.  (See, Lieber, 1972, 1976, 1998b, 2016; also, see articles on this website.) Again, the explanatory power of statistics is shown to be limited. Nevertheless, the designing of new experiments through the application of mind enabled the detection of a further cause (or causes), thereby negating the appearance of randomness, or apparently random specifics. This was through the agency of the revised experimental protocols. And because of such, through changing protocols, enabled by the human mind, a growing, more complete view on mutation has been enabled. And such a new experimental view, enabled through the human mind, has thus circumscribed the limitations of statistics, (itself a creation of the human mind). These are limitations that appear to be due to uncontrolled specifics or random specificity beyond a certain level or scale, and which are tied to a specific experimental method or design. The human mind can nevertheless circumvent the limitations of its own approaches to nature. However, ironically, it is bound to them when accepting a priori a limitation of our knowledge of nature. Though, some people also ironically do not accept (at least completely) the limitations of this knowledge's mathematical tool or methodology.

 This limitation of this statistical or methodological tool when addressing biological nature, especially with regard to causation, is analogous, if not similar, to the statistical investigations in quantum mechanics. Such statistics is based, for example, on studies of the behavior of large numbers electrons or the behavior of large numbers of atoms exhibiting radioactivity. The statistics does not provide information  as to behavior of an individual electron as far as its trajectory or path is concerned, or, when and why an individual atom becomes radioactive. The statistics does not address causation at that level. In fact, it precludes an awareness of such causation or an ordering, integrating process. As Einstein indicated, such statistical limitation makes quantum mechanics itself unable to present a complete view of reality. The implication would be that quantum mechanics is incomplete. This is a position that Einstein held through the years. As Albert Einstein wrote on this subject in 1949 :

What does not satisfy me in that theory [of quantum mechanics], from the standpoint of principle, is its attitude towards that which appears to be the programmatic aim of all physics: the complete description of any (individual)  real situation...One arrives at very implausible  theoretical conceptions, if one attempts to maintain the thesis that the statistical quantum theory  is in principle capable of producing a complete description of an individual physical system. On the other hand, those difficulties of theoretical interpretation disappear, if one views the quantum-mechanic description as the description of ensembles of systems...Within the framework of statistical quantum theory there is no such thing as a complete description of the individual system (Einstein, 1949).

In studying biological processes and quantum phenomena, statistical studies leave out significant information pertaining to the behavior of specific structures and processes. And this would include implicitly their specific conditions. Though biology and quantum mechanics operate on vastly different  scales, they display the same  lack of accessibility to the causes of deeper, specific phenomena through a statistical approach. Within both scales, the accessibility to causation at a specific level becomes precluded. As with quantum mechanics, biological knowledge is also incomplete, lacking a unifying  concept or perspective as to underlying dynamics that connect specific situations. David Bohm and this author have attempted, through their respective and similar theories and approaches, to circumvent this problem and to show that reality with its various features is dynamically and coherently unified through all scales. And thereby, it can be accessed more completely through new experimental approaches and a flexible application of reason. This would bring us towards completion in our knowledge of quantum mechanics and biology. As Bohm stated:

More generally, what is needed, in physics as well as in biology, is to perceive the existing facts anew, in the light of the notion of order, and of a hierarchy of orders. Such perception will evidently tend to lead us to ask new questions in our scientific research (Bohm, 1969).

The limitation of statistical approaches could thus be circumvented in physics and biology. A new paradigm could eventually ensue. This new paradigm would recognize that our access to reality is not complete, but can become progressively less incomplete. This would be so because  the explicate reality is itself  undergoing varied completion dynamics, and we are part of those dynamics. The completion dynamic would be restricted, because the  unfoldings of the processes of an implicit, implicate reality into an explicate realty, the reality of science, are not completely simultaneous. This situation, as noted by Bohm in later publications, has precluded our current methodologies from overcoming such  incompletion of knowledge at present. Yet, one can recognize such a joined duality of the implicate and explicate orders. This would be through engaging increasingly completing dynamics. And this would enable the human mind's participation in this. And this would ensue in making causation more and more evident. And the consequence of this could lead to new conceptual and methodological approaches. These would circumvent (or make unnecessary) a statistical approach, at least for the most part. However, when such a limited  though effective statistical method was  used, such as significance testing between population means, important though limited information has nevertheless been acquired in various biological investigations. And which, in my own biological research, such supported important hypotheses. However, the very experimental method, based on a statistical design, also revealed its limitation as far as obtaining complete information regarding mutation.

Because this explicate order is not  totally complete, and not completely accessible through current methodologies, according to Bohm, it has features of  apparent discontinuity. This enables and involves the appearance of randomness, and thus the application of statistics to make a disconnected appearance less incomplete, and thereby, fuller. Such discontinuity appears to be due in part to (or manifest) the fractal nature of our explicate order or existence. And such a fractal situation  occurs through a vortical process or design (Lieber, 2023). Various fractals are respectively self-similar structures or designs that exist across different scales or levels of organization, and which may even extend into the implicate order of existence.  An example of a universal, self-similar, and encompassing fractal occurring in nature is the  very generative logarithmic spiral or vortical dynamic. And such a spiral  or vortex generates continuity as well  as discontinuity. In fact, it is a situation where discontinuity emerges from continuity. For example, the curves of a special yet universal logarithmic spiral generated over 90 degrees are disconnected with respect to one another when viewed along their increasing radii;. Yet, they are connected or continuous to one another through the growth of the self-similar spiral. or vortex. Moreover, the increased sizes of the curves, as measured by their radii, are in a constant growth proportion with respect to one another. This proportion is 1.618, the golden ratio of constant proportional growth in many organisms.

Thus, continuity determines or generates discontinuity. This geometrical perspective applied to quantum mechanics indicates that the apparent discontinuity of quantum or energy states is ultimately due to an underlying or implicit generative continuity displayed through a vortical, fractal design or structure. (Also, see Lieber, 2023.) For example, the different  energy levels of electron orbitals in an atom are in discontinuity with  respect to one another. However, they can also be the continuous, vortical energy curves of a vortically structured atom. Vortical atoms manifest a vortical reality (Lieber, 1998a, 2021, 2023). Also, through the intersections of vortical continuities,  discontinuity, as quantization, also becomes manifest (Lieber, 1998a, 2021). This discontinuity is a manifestation of quadrants generated within the fractals, which also connectedly also occurs through the dynamic of spiral intersection. Discontinuity thus also becomes generatively a fractal and quadrant  situation  involving the spiral intersection of continuities. Nevertheless, various self-similar structures would have an inherent, generative connection with one another as would be the situation with the inner quadrants. So, the discontinuity between fractals and between quadrants within fractals  would appear to be a matter of one's perspective; it is not absolute. (The  respective, continuous generations of fractal structures can be expressed as respective, iterative, mathematical functions. And these respective generations can be simulated on a computer, producing visually very complex fractals, many having biological features. An example of one such function is: Zn+1= Z2n, also referred to as the Mandelbrot set.) Hence, though any given series of fractal configurations and quadrants appear discontinuous, the self-similar configurations with quadrants would be generatively connected. And  thereby, the  individuality of their quadrants, which can become the seats of morphological quanta, would merge with one another. In effect, the  generation of fractals with their inner quadrants would occur through the vortical dynamic, which is itself an encompassing, unifying fractal  process, producing various, connected fractal phenomena. And these would be the seats of morphological quanta, which are evident in the living state.

This generation appears to be the  inherent reality of the micro-realm, and it occurs through various, major features of the macro-realm. In the later situation, such generation or causation of all fractals would not be detected, and consequently, such would be concluded through current experimental methods as being missing or uncontrolled specificities or non-observables.  Many current experimental protocols would necessarily allow such conclusions regarding incomplete observations or detections. However, informative observations can nevertheless be made at a relatively macro-level. For example, quadrants as morphological quanta, and  related complex self-similarity, generated through  spiral intersections at the macro-level, can be seen in various organisms. For example, these are the pineapple (see Figure P), the pine cone,  and sunflower (See Image). Related vortical morphologies can also be observed in the cabbage, Figure 121.  (Also, see Figure 108.)  Such discontinuity, manifested as quantized, morphological specificity, occurring through  intersectional vorticity, might be considered as an absolute, stable, and thus, constant structure of existence, whatever scale (See picture, Figure 119.) Nevertheless, it appears (at least its stability or constancy within existence) to be a contingent, emergent feature of an unifying, underlying vortically generative continuity (or continuities). And this is  represented by a generative logarithmic spiral of generated continuity,  which is enabled through a constant growth rate of the golden ratio, a universal constant. (Also, see Figure 123.)

 This  generative continuity or constancy present in reality, and occurring through diversity or specificity, has become seized by the human mind, and thereby has enabled scientific progress by making more and more evident new dynamic causes, and thereby, less and less randomness between specificities. For the future, through the application of this universal constant via new research approaches, enabled by an evolving or unfolding human mind, would a new paradigm arise. This would allow scientists to grasp, comprehend, and make evident more completely, and to better control to a point, the generative, stable, interconnected specificities, and thus quanta, within the intersecting continuities of existence. Whereby, randomness, or random specificity, becomes a limiting case at best. In effect, thereby, the quantum situation would no longer need to be associated with  or explained by randomness. The quantum situation can now be associated with the constancy of regeneration, its continuity.

Such total control through experimental methodologies would not be totally enabled. This would  be so because of the control of the immutable universals being embedded through the specifics of reality, such as the experimental realm. Absolute control of such  though human interaction with existence would be precluded by the absolute control of the universals through all features of existence. This was a position presented by Paul Lieber to account for experimental protocols  not being able to provide a certain or complete view of existence, but only a statistical view of reality, especially that of quantum behavior. Yet, he conjectured that an investigation of the dimensional universal constants, as dynamic imprints (via forces) of the universals, their deeper realm of  true reality, onto space-time, could be a major step to overcoming such limitation. This author has attempted this through the integration of such constants through a demonstrated universal, biological dimensionless constant. Most interesting, the physicist, Max Planck, considered integrating the dimensional universal constants as a possible avenue to revealing a deeper, truer reality beyond that revealed by physics (see, Rosenthal-Schneider, 1949). All of this has been through the use of the human mind. The human mind has also immutable features joined to the universals, and this has enabled us to progressively access such causal interconnections between specificities, and the completion dynamics of the universe. And in so doing, features of a deeper realm or ultra-physical reality have been progressively revealed. And, through such access, humans have been enabled to gain progressive control of  many of reality's interconnected specifics, as made evident by technology.


                                   Photographs that Illustrate a Deeper, Universal Dynamic


                                                            Figure A: Aspergillus nidulans colony


    A dual mutator strain of Aspergillus nidulans. This colony was derived from newly generated spores produced by a newly generated green sector of improved growth rate and smooth morphology. That sector emerged from a colony obtained from spores produced by a colony that was stored in a cold room for a significant period. Other colonies were obtained from the spores of other, newly generated green sectors, but those colonies produced far less yellow sectors. One could also ask why this colony displayed a mutation pattern different from the one in Figure 7, even though the above colony is of the same strain as the colony in Figure 7. And both were cultured at the same temperature. Yet, the statistics precludes any idea of a cause. The white sectors are endemic to colonies of the dual mutator strain, as inferred from statistical data, but not the reason or cause of such. See the article on evolution in this website for more detailed information about the Aspergillus strains involved and their histories.

 Though further experiments enabled better understanding or a less incomplete understanding of the mutator behavior and its circumstances, nevertheless, much remained unknown, especially as to completely understanding its deeper causation. One wonders whether some type of ultra-physical dynamic was evoked or came into play or into being. Further experimentation might have enabled a clearer view. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, the author could not perform such, nor  could others, as well. This would be an example whereby social-economic circumstances stood in the way of a completion process, in effect, inhibiting an innerly regulated mutator process on the karyotypic level. However, in recent publications, I have resurrected the process, hopefully to be continued by persons of integrity and wisdom in better times.


                                       Figure P   (Originally Figure 94)

                                      Pineapple with Organized Quanta


Pineapple is displaying intersecting logarithmic spirals. Some spirals are occurring clockwise and others are occurring counter-clockwse, thereby their intersections. These intersections are defining quadrants. Such quadrants are morphological quanta containing respective seed developments. These are organized quanta at the organismic level of development. These quanta also show that intersecting spiral continuities give rise to such linked, organized quanta that are  necessary for developments. In effect, quanta can arise at a relative macro-level due to the dynamic intersections of continuities. The pineapple would also appear to be a complex fractal due to an intersecting vorticity.




Close up view of a pineapple is displayed. Again, note the morphological quanta arising or defined through the intersecting, spiral continuities. These intersections are likely geometries manifesting force.


                                                          Figure 35- Two Vortical Roses


Two roses are displaying  respectively a vortical morphology. This morphology reflects a dynamic process that occurs at all levels of organization, and this would include the quantum level. This process has a constant rate of manifestation or growth. In the case of these roses, this constant rate might be equal to the golden ratio. This is the dimensionless constant composing the universal dimensional constants of physics.


                                                               Figure 34-Vortical Roses



Roses are manifesting vortices. These vortices could be considered as connected, though discontinuous, vortical quanta at the organismic level. Quanta at various scales, including the micro-quantum level, could have vortical configurations based on a dimensionless, constant rate of vortical spiral growth. (See Lieber, 1998a.)


                                                                     Most Beautiful Vortices:  Figure 108


  Another group of vortical roses is displayed. The vortical morphologies of the respective roses could be considered as vortical quanta in a hypothetical physical situation, where "particles" or quanta are grouped together as in the nuclei of atoms.


                                           A Most Beautiful Rose: Figure 111B



Another Rose is displaying a vortical morphology. It would appear that a vortical design or geometry is universal throughout existence, and such might reflect a universal constant rate of growth. Would the quantum level of existence reflect vortical designs or geometries occurring at the organismic level? And conversely, would the organismic level reflect vortical dynamics occurring at the quantum level of existence. Or, does vorticity and its dynamic design reflect a universal principle of correspondence across all levels of organization within the universe? This rose, as all roses, would appear to be a complex fractal or manifest fractal features at the level of the organism. And thereby, being a fractal, such features, including quantum discontinuities, would correspond to features at lower levels of organization.



                                              A Beautiful Succulent: Figure 112


A vortical succulent is displayed. Its morphology manifests a fluid whirlpool composed of discontinuities. These are in the form of flap-like morphologies that appear to arise through the vortical growth. This would appear to indicate that the vortical, dynamic geometry gives rise to or enables derivative  morphologies, which might be regarded as morphological quanta. This would also appear to manifest a universal dynamic through all scales of existence. This succulent would also appear to be a complex fractal due to vorticity.


                             Most Beautiful Sunflower  Figure 118

 A sunflower is displaying logarithmic spirals in the central region. Many are clockwise and many are counterclockwise. They are intersecting in the central region due to this situation. These intersections are producing  or defining quadrants of nodules in the central region. The nodules are morphological quanta, which are developing seeds. The petals appear to have curvilinear grooves and folds, which could be conducting channels. They might also manifest a developmental process.


                                     A Most Beautiful group of Vortices:  Figure 119

An additional group of roses whose members are each displaying a pronounced vortical morphology. Such  a group could be a model for what exists in the natural world. Namely, the connected vortical morphologies could represent vortical atoms composing a complex molecule. And this could be a universal situation. Vorticity is clearly evident again at the living level of existence.


             Another Example of Vortical Morphology in PlantsFigure 121


A cabbage plant is displaying a vortical morphology. Another plant species exhibiting such vorticity gives further credence to the view that vorticity manifests throughout living organisms and through various levels of physical existence. The small configurations arising from the vortical folds or curves could be secondary developments dependent on the global vorticity or vortical curves. This cabbage would appear to be an example of a complex factual due to vorticity.


                 A Pinkish-Light-Orange, Vortical Rose: Figure 123


Another example of vorticity manifested by a living organism. This rose with a vortical morphology and the three smaller red roses, also with vortical morphologies, though less pronounced, could be a model for a complex phenomena, involving vortical force-configurations, emerging from a plenum. The petals of the large rose could be considered as being discontinuities generated through vortical continuities. And thereby, they might be considered as developing quanta dependent on or arising from the global vorticity. This rose would also be another example of a complex fractal due to vorticity.




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                                     Copyright (c) by Michael Lieber